SEO Expert Alex Miranda giving his live case study
Learning from the best!
Jake Goldman giving his presentation
Lunch on the sunny steps of the Innovation Center
Clint Warren, head organizer, introducing Andrew Nacin
Andew Nacin from WordPress giving his keynote address
Andrew Nacin’s Keynote Address
End of day panel discussion with the industry leaders
Stamford Innovation Center setup for design classes
Organizers Laura Hartwig and Michelle Haggerty spreading the word about #CTWordCamp
Lead organizers Clint Warren, Eva Perello, Michelle Haggerty, and Laura Hartwig
SEO Expert Alex Miranda and WordCamp CT organizer Laura Hartwig
Alex Miranda, SEO expert, with lead organizer Clint Warren
Organizers Laura Hartwig and Clint Warren with Keynote speaker Andrew Nacin and Dan Nacin
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